Like the Volcano Classic, the Volcano Digital Vaporizer is one of the most renowned, well-respected and advanced forced-air desktop vaporizers available. The Volcano Digital allows for precise temperature control by way of a large LED display, and features the same high-quality construction and high-end performance as the Volcano Classic. The Volcano Digital Vaporizer, which utilizes the same smooth cone structure, through its patented technology removes toxins and other harmful byproducts (i.e., tars and other carcinogens) through a vaporizing process which intensifies the effects of the active ingredients released through the vapor by approximately 75 percent. The German hand-crafted Volcano employs technology which circulates air enriched with the active ingredients of the substance vaporized into a balloon through a valve, until the balloon is filled. After the balloon is inflated the valve can be completely detached and separated from the device. The contents of the balloon can then be safely and comfortably enjoyed completely independent from the vaporization process. The balloon allows for vapor storage for up to 8 hours.
- 3 Year Warranty
- Large Digital LED Display
- Automatic Shut-Off Feature
- Vapor Bag Delivery System
- Advanced Diaphragm Pump
- Quality German Engineering
- Trusted Name & Proven Design
- Food Safe Aluminum Heating Block
- High Performance Heating Element
- Precise Digital Temperature Control (104° - 446°F)